Hugh Pinnock, Marriage and Family Therapist

Are you wanting to get out of a rut – either in your own life or in a relationship? Are you in a romantic relationship that does not seem to be improving, no matter how hard you’ve tried? Have you experienced the pain of an affair and are unsure how/if you can trust your partner again?
Are you wanting to develop a better outlook of yourself?  Do you have an addiction or bad habit that you are trying to kick?
I assist people in finding their confidence again and implement habits that make life fulfilling. I help couples develop habits and communication patterns that help them connect and feel understood by one another. I help each client feel safe in expressing their emotions in session. No matter what, I am your biggest advocate. I am 100% invested in helping you succeed. I currently have openings! Not every therapist is right for every person. I offer FREE 15 minute consultations so you can see if I am a right fit for you!

Call today to schedule and appointment with Hugh at 801.272.3420