Full Disclosure Documents
Please submit the following forms if you are preparing for a Formal Full Disclosure with your therapist:
Partner Pre-Disclosure Documents
- Consent from the addict’s partner/spouse to participate in the FD process, which must be signed in order to begin the FD process with the partner. Must be turned in at least one week prior to FD.
Partner’s Formal Disclosure FAQ’s and Guidelines
- FAQs describing the Formal Disclosure process for the addict and his/her partner, level of involvement of the partner, managing expectations, FD rules, etc.
Partner FD Pre-Disclosure Prep Worksheet
- Serves to prepare the partner/spouse with examples of what the FD disclosure from the addict may contain. Guides the partner/spouse through preparing questions and a guideline of how much information they would like to receive from the addict. This documentation is then provided to the addict’s CSAT therapist by the partner’s CSAT therapist. Must be turned in at least one month prior to FD.
- Guides the partner through creating an after FD self care plan. This must be in place, and with a copy for the partner, one week prior to FD.
Partner Post-Disclosure Documents
Partner Guide to the Emotional Impact Letter
- This is an outline and guide to support the partner post disclosure in writing her EI letter, a letter stating to the addict how his or her acting out has impacted the partner/spouse.
Partner FD Addict’s Emotional Restitution Support Guidelines
- Description and expectations of the addict’s Letter of Emotional Restitution process for the partner.
Addict Pre-Disclosure Documents
- Consent for Formal Disclosure for the addict, which must be signed in order to begin the process of FD. Must be turned in at least 1 week prior to FD date.
- Describes the Formal Disclosure process and intentions and guides the addict through building a self-care plan for after Disclosure. Must be turned in at least 1 week prior to FD date.
- A guide for the addict when writing his/her Formal Disclosure letter, including examples of appropriate and inappropriate writing. Describes the guidelines the addict must adhere to when writing his/her Formal Disclosure letter.
Addict Post-Disclosure Documents
Addict FD Letter of Restitution Support Guidelines
- A guide to the addict describing the process of the Letter of Restitution meeting and includes consent to participate in the meeting.