Sexual Addiction and Betrayal Trauma Recovery Groups
Groups running in both Murray and Orem locations.
Connections Counseling Services provides groups for both men and women struggling with unwanted sexual behavior or betrayal trauma that has resulted in unwanted sexual behavior. Our therapists will give you the tools that you need to get the help you have been seeking for in your life and in your relationship. Call us at 801-272-3420 for more information or click below to register today and get started on lasting recovery!
Sexual Addiction and Betrayal Trauma Treatment
All of our groups are designed by top experts in the field of sexual addiction recovery and betrayal trauma and supervised by a Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist (CSAT). This is to ensure you get the best help with the tools and information necessary to obtain lasting recovery. Each group will be run by a therapist that is either a CSAT or supervised by one. Kyle Reid, LCSW is CSAT certified whose national presentations to sex compulsion therapists have been enthusiastically received. Kyle closely supervises our sexual addiction programs and therapists.
We offer groups for both men and women sex addiction as well as betrayal trauma partners. Typically our groups range from 6-10 members. Each participant will be given the materials they need and will be included in the overall cost of the group. Groups will be held once per week with one of our clinicians and typically last 85-90 minutes per session.
Group Costs: $250 paid on a monthly basis
Sexual Addiction Recovery Treatment
Phase 1: Surrendering to Recovery
The first phase group is designed to give you the education and tools you need to find lasting recovery. As participants go through the exercises and workbooks given to them as well as build a community of support in their group, they will be able to break through many barriers that have prevented them from progressing in their recovery. Participants remain in this phase until they become proficient at the tools and understanding they need to maintain sobriety. This typically occurs between 6-12 months.
Phase 2: Getting to the Root
When participants get to an understanding of their patterns and cycles and become proficient at maintaining positive tools of recovery, they become ready to face the underlying issues and trauma that has helped facilitate and maintain the unwanted sexual behavior for so long. Participants will do deeper emotional work in this group to prevent any co-addictive behaviors from developing and lower the chances of relapse. The length of this group is dependent on the needs of each participant.
Betrayal Trauma Recovery
Healing the Wounds
As addicts go through the healing process of recovery from addiction, partners will have a chance to develop the tools and support they need to find healing as a result of betrayal. In this group, partners will learn to develop healthy boundaries and work through the emotions that have felt overwhelming since discovery. It is essential that partners feel support from others that have gone through similar experiences as well as learn to manage their own emotional states through this difficult time. The length of this group depends on the needs of each participant.